quinta-feira, outubro 28, 2010

Deck Infernity

Bom hoje vou postar um deck usado por um amigo meu. Esse deck tem uma estratégia simples: deixar o dono sem cartas na mão para ativar os efeitos dos monstros infernitys. Ele consegue invocar synchros rapidamente, surpreendendo e acabando com o seu adversário.


Infernity Archfiend x3
Infernity Necromancer x3
Infernity Beetle x3
Infernity Mirage x1
Dark Grepher x2
Infernity Avenger x1
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Plaguespreader Zombie x1
Stygian Street Patrol x1
Armageddon Knight x1


Infernity Launcher x1
Foolish Burial x1
One for One x1
Reinforcements of the Army x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
LightningVortex x2
Giant Trunade x1
Gold Sarcophagus x1
Book of Moon x1
Allure of Darkness x1


Seven Tools of Bandit x1
Infernity Barrier x2
Mirror Force x1
Infernity Inferno x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Infernity Force x2
Infernity Break x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Rope of Life x2
Dust Tornado x1
Call of the Hunted x1


Infernity Doom Dragon x2
Dark End Dragon x1
AOJ-Catastor x1
Stygian Sergeants x1
Hundred Eyes Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Armory Arm x1
Colossal Fighter x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Chaos King Archfiend x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Mist Wurm x1
Black Rose Dragon x1

Um comentário:

  1. o blog ta legal vei, mas os infenity j sauram do metga s/ infernt layncher nyum da
